Sign up to CoachAll coaches must officially sign up and pass a background check. Following is a link to information on how to sign up:
Volunteer Sign Up InstructionsMandatory Abuse Awareness TrainingLittle League is requiring Abuse Awareness Training. Here is a
link to the training which is presented by USA Baseball. Once on this page select the Abuse Awareness for Adults. You will need to create a login and it takes about 30 minutes to complete. Once you finish the quiz at the end a certificate will be emailed to you. Please email me a copy of that certificate to
[email protected] Coaching ResourcesFollowing are coaching guides for T-Ball and Coach Pitch. Some of the tips in Coach Pitch are applicable to Minors.
T-BallCoach Pitch2023 Season Guidance
Summary for Coaches
Pitch Count Rules
Pitching and Catching in the same dayA player who catches 4 or more innings cannot pitch that day
A player who catches 3 innings or less and then pitches and throws 21 pitches and cannot return to catcher in the same day
A player who throws 41 pitches or more may not catch that day.
A player who has played the position of catcher for 4 or more innings may not pitch on that day
A player once removed as a pitcher cannot return as a pitcher in the same game
Days of Rest66 + pitches = 4 days rest
51-65 pitches = 3 days rest
36-50 pitches = 2 days rest
21 - 35 pitches = 1 day rest
1 - 20 pitches = 0 days rest
Pitch Limit Per DayBased on League Age which is the players age on August 31, 2023
Ages 11-12 maximum of 85 pitches per day
Ages 9-10 maximum of 75 pitches per day
Ages 6-8 maximum of 50 pitches per day
Under no circumstances shall a player pitch three consecutive days.